Pattern Worksheet - Alphabet (Super Hard, Color, 1-2 Pattern)

This Super Hard Pattern Worksheet displays a series of alphabet letters (A, B, C, etc) with two letters of the alphabet missing in the middle of the pattern. The patterns are organized in a 1-2 colored pattern. Kids must draw and color the missing letter of the alphabet to complete each pattern. The pattern worksheet is printable and changes each time you visit.

With this Pattern Worksheet generator, you can easily create new patterns that are never the same and always different, providing you with an unlimited supply of pattern worksheets to use in the classroom or at home.

This pattern worksheet is a great preschool or kindergarten activity that helps kids practice patterns and alphabet recognition.

Level of Difficulty: Super Hard for Preschool, Kindergarten, or Grade level kids

Shapes: Colored, Alphabet letters such as A, B, C

Pattern: 1-2

Strategy: To solve the pattern, draw and color the two missing letters of the alphabet in the middle of the pattern

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pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets
pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets pattern worksheets
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